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Background checks have become a traditional part of the modern hiring process for almost every employer. The availability of data and records enables prospective employers to better understand who they are dealing with before they deal with them. From large corporations and educational instutitions to babysitters and caregivers, background checks can unveil vital information to the employer, allowing him or her to make the best decision possible.
Employment Verification                                                                             
An Employment Verification includes the Consumer’s (i) employer name, (ii) employer address, (iii) employment status, (iv) most recent hire date, (v) total length of service, and (vi) position title, where available.  An Income Verification includes Data provided in an Employment Verification, plus the most recent two years of payroll Data.  The Business Class Service delivers the Employment Verification or Income Verification Data available for the requested combination of Consumer and Employer Name.
Criminal Profile                                                                                          
The Criminal Profile returns a variety of information which include records at the Federal level, State level, County level, and Sex Offender information as well as International terrorist list for OFAC compliance and other criminal justice agencies. Results can include the disposition date, court location, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, SSN, charge(s) and sentence.
Personal Profile                                                                                                                                                  
The profile report can include, current address information from all three consumer reporting agencies, historical address information, date of birth, information related to social security numbers, driver licenses, phone numbers, aliases, names of an individual's relatives, other people who have used the individual's address(es), neighbors with listed phone numbers, national and state databases for a summary of assets, driver licenses, professional licenses, real properties, vehicles, corporation records, ucc filings, corporate affiliations, bankruptcies, tax liens, civil judgments and more.
National Warrants                                                                                                                                               
The National Warrants database contains information from a variety of sources. Warrants from International sources are included such as Interpol, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and many other international sources. Inside the United States the database contains warrants from Federal sources such as The Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Marshall Service, and many others. On the State level the database contains records from a variety of state agencies such a Departments of Correction, Probation and Parole Boards, Attorney Generals, State level law enforcement departments. On the county level the database contains warrants from municipal courts, district courts, justices of the peace as well as county sheriffs, district attorneys and more. On the city level the database contains warrants from city police departments, city courts and more. 
The types of warrants in the database range from misdemeanor warrants for bad checks, traffic violations, failures to appear, and unpaid fines. To felony warrants for parole or probation violations, robbery, rape, forgery, kidnapping or murder.

Background Checks

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